Star Trek Picard Mercy Review - Season 2 Episode 8

2 years ago

Qapla' all. Star Trek Picard is back for its second season. Did they finally listen to the fans? We'll see. There is some improvement but is it too little too late? That will be for you to decide. I can give you my opinion though. Spoilers abound if you click to watch.

In this 8th episode of the season we see the show move beyond absurdity. Characters change their mind soley because the plot commands them. Do all Soongs talk to the camera even when no one is home? When did this become a race to intentionally tell as many people about the future as possible? Vulcans doing mind melds in the 80's?

Look for all your season 1 favorites and some new (to Picard) faces including Alison Pill as Agnes Jurati, Isa Briones as Soji Asha, Evan Evagora as Elnor, Michelle Hurd as Raffi Musiker, Santiago Cabrera as Cristobal "Chris" Rios (and a hologram), Jeri Ryan as Seven of Nine, Orla Brady as Laris, John de Lancie as Q, Whoopi Goldberg as Guinan, Brent Spiner as Altan Inigo Soong and of course Sir Patrick Stewart as Admiral Jean-luc Picard. New for season 2: The Watcher, Laris, Laris is the Watcher, Young Guinan Recast. Another Dog, Pit-Bull, Luna. Adam Soong. Dr. Soong. Kore Soong. Q the therapist. Q psychiatrist. Renee Picard. Europa Picard. Yvette Picard. Agent Wells, FBI.

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