Year 2023 Time To Revolt or To Be Slave For Ever

1 year ago

Folks, this message is for you, those are the very minority of humankind who have fought hard to remain human being with pure blood.

What I am telling you is nothing new at all. I know that you all know what I know if not even more. However, I still feel a compelling urge to warn all those same-mind people about what is coming in year 2023 since we all know that the MAJORITY is just a bunch of sheeple who are beyond help and saving as they have always been so through out human history. You see, three years of DEMOCIDE with lockdowns and clotshot and the destruction of human fertility did not make them go “riot”, but a soccer/football match did!

Everything is a distraction from the clotshot murdering and the irreversible destruction of human fertility that can no longer be covered-up. And the total bio-surveillance has been firmly in place and being tighten as every day goes by.

We all will see in years 2023 more youngsters and children dying of clotshot that will be blamed on new “pandemic” with new “virus.” That’s “SEERS” they “predict!”

You see, folks! THEY have never hidden their agenda at all. THEY told you and even bragged about this!

Thus, year 2023 is going to be the beginning of the last phase of this NWO, which will turn this Earth into a complete planet of slaves, unless we, the pure blood minority, start to revolt.

Of course , I know ALL leading dissidents have put out the warning mantras that “don’t rise up, don’t revolt, don’t play into their hands!”

What? Really? So, these so-called “dissidents” have been trying to tell us that “we now are out of their hands” and as if THEY will leave us alone if we don’ revolt!

THEY have been murdering us and pushing us into slavery for three years for fuck sake!

Yeah I have also heard that “non-compliance” and start to build our own way of life OUTSIDE THE SYSTEM is the solution! And they say IT WILL WORK IF EVERYBODY or at least the majority will do it!

Really! Are they dreaming? These hopium wishers have been put out these “solutions” as if the statist system and those psychopaths will leave them alone and let them live their own way. Have they seen enough of brutal coercion? Have they seen the majority of billions obediently got the clotshot. and keep wearing muzzle even after all those three years?

We must revolt because we have been grounded and strangled in “their hands” and we want to free ourselves from their hands!

All about the MINORITY

Through out our human history, the ruling class has always been a very tiny MINORITY.
Through out our human history, the force of change, and ALL REVOLUTIONS have been proceeded by the very MINORITY (around 3% of the whole population!)

The vast majority has always been sheeple. They are neither good nor bad! They are just average ordinary folks who are always indifferent on-lookers and go along with whatever to get along. No one has every be able to wake these “majority” up. Be it Buddha, Lao Tsu , Jesus Christ etc…

So the burden is always on the shoulders of the very MINORITY as always has been and always will be. In this case, us, the un-jabbed pure blood. We must revolt to save the humanity.

Revolution is what THEY fear the most! That’s why they have always been threatening the defiant MINORITY with brutal force and with gas-lighting disinformation and hopium to deter and dissuade this powerful MINORITY from rising up and fighting back. They know that this “small group” of MINORITY is always larger than their tiny ruling thugs themselves! Once this defiant MINORITY acts, it will win!

Folks, this is the last chance to rise up and fight. All damages have been done to the MAJORITY are irreversibly and irreparably. And THEY will trap and force all the pure-blood into submission with brute force. We, the defiant MINORITY is the last and only hope the humanity has.

This Earth will be free or remains a complete planet of slaves will depend on the action of this MINORITY alone!

Think about this folks! Don’t wait for the MAJORITY! There has never been a MAJORITY in anything and never will be. Except in the herd of sheeple! Don’t be regretting later as Solzhenitsyn did. We have to love freedom more than anything else, and be ready to die for it!

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956

We have to fight and must win, or this Earth will become the planet of slaves forever!

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