Morale boosting Russian war song from 1958 "Забота у нас такая"

2 years ago

Song of Restless Youth (1958)

Our job is uncomplicated,
Our job can be simply stated:
We want our land to live on,
Have no concerns but this.

There’s snow and strong wind,
And all stars of the night.
My heart calls me forward
To restless faraway light.

No matter the way that hardships
Come threatening us like lightnings.
Our strong and devout friendship
Will end only with my death.


And while I am able to work on,
And while I am able to walk on,
And if I am able to breathe on,
Then I will keep going on.


We don’t need to rest on laurels,
We’re happy with what fate gives us.
You’re taking a flame in your hand
And breaking ice with your breath.


And like everyone on this Earth
One day you will find your true love.
She’ll go without doubt
With you through the storms of life.


Don’t think that the song is over,
That storms have lost their power.
Be ready for noble purpose,
And glory will find you then.


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