Silent War Ep. 6283: Catholics Pay4 US Invaders, Army/Truckin/Airline Breakdown, WorldCoup Escalates

2 years ago

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In this episode of The Silent War:

Israel Is the Organ Harvesting and Human Trafficking Capital of the World.

US Supreme Court Rules To Keep Trump Border Policy In Place.

"The Kids Are Out To Suck D": White House Trans Invitee Says 'Misinterpreted'.

63% Of Americans Want FBI 'Censorship' Of Twitter Investigated: Poll.

Aussie Cops Ask Neighbors To Rat Out 'Anti-Government, Anti-Police, Or COVID-Vaccine Conspiracy Theorists'.

The Crackdown: Brazilian Communist Supreme Court Issues Arrest Warrants for Opposition Leaders Including a Comedian and a Journalist.

EPA Finalizes Rules to Decimate US Trucking Industry and Send Consumer Goods Prices Soaring.

Maricopa County Election Director Scott Jarrett Testifies He Had No Idea How 19 Inch Ballot Image Could Be Printed On 20 Inch Paper THEN Admits The Next Day That He Learned What Caused It “a Few Days After Election Day”.

Undermanned US Military Now Accepting ADHD And Other Behaviorally Challenged Individuals.

Catholic NGOs Receive Billions in Government Funding to Provide Illegals Housing, Food, Healthcare, Financial Assistance and More.

Southwest Cancels Thousands Of More Flights As Operational 'Meltdown' Continues.

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