The Self-Talk Workout w/Dr Rachel Turow, PhD #mentalhealth #book #selftalk #selftalkmatters #2023

2 years ago

A little #spaitgirlbookclub snippet with Author Dr Rachel Goldsmith Turow, PhD.

To find out more about her book The Self-Talk Workout, Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and head to my Podcast Show Playlist.

Full #spaitgirlpodcast details below 👇

New Podcast 🎙 Feel Good From Within with Yvette Le Blowitz - #SPAITGIRL Podcast

🎙EP.197 - The Self-Talk Workout with Dr. Rachel GoldSmith Turow,

In The Self-Talk Workout, Dr Rachel Goldsmith Turow, PhD, Psychologist and Mindfulness Teacher, shares evidence-based techniques to go from being your own worst critic to your own best friend.

Yvette Le Blowitz Podcast Host talks with Dr. Rachel Goldsmith Turow, PhD to find out more about her book The Self-Talk Workout and how we can change the voice in our heads from self-criticism to self-love.

In Podcast Episode - EP.197
Dr Rachel Goldsmith Turow, PhD shares:
- a little bit about herself
- insights into her brand new book - The Self-Talk Workout
- What Self-Talk is
- how to change your self-talk from self-critism to self-love, self-kindness and compassion
- doable exercises that can help you replace self-criticism with self-kindness and self-encouragement
- insights into the importance of self-talk for our mental health and wellbeing
- research findings on how self-talk practices can help anyone suffering with PTSD and Depression
- her own self-care and self-talk practices

Plus we talk about so much more....

Get Ready to TUNE IN


🎧 TUNE IN to EP.197 - #spaitgirl #podcast *click link in bio @spaitgirl

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