Does John Correia of ASP & Chris Sebestyen of DHT6 Beat Adam At his own Skills Check tests?!

2 years ago

Adam Winch of @defenders-usa, John Correia of @ASPextra, and Chris Sebestyen of @chrissebestyendarkhorsetra9103 try out the highest standards of Defenders USA's skills check #1 - #3.
We have other skills checks that go along with this, but this shows a high level of proficiency by any shooter, which is what we strive to build in our students.

These are not easy tests, as you'll see.

Skills Check #1 - 1 round fired at a D-USA poker card (3 3/8" x 2 3/8") from 10 yards; no time limit, with line breaks counting.

Skills Check #2 - Same thing, but if shooting from concealment, the hit is to be made in sub-2 seconds (1.99 seconds or less).
An even higher standard is a hit in sub-1.50 seconds (1.49 seconds or less).
If not from concealment or from the low ready, a hit in sub-1.75 seconds (1.74 seconds or less).

Skills Check #3 - Same size target, same distance, but five (5) rounds with all hits on the poker card in sub-5 seconds (4.99 seconds or less).
**An even higher standard is all 5 hits in sub-4.5 seconds (4.49 seconds or less).
If not from concealment or from the low ready, a hit in sub-4.75 seconds (4.74 seconds or less).

The beauty of this is that John solidly beat Adam - at Adam's OWN tests!!
Congratulations to John Correia!! ("And I'll make sure that never happens again!", says Adam)

And we’d love to train you. Check our website calendar for upcoming training.

As a handgun carrying person, be sure that you have proper coverage! Check out Firearms Legal Protection, use discount code: DEFENDERS USA. Link below:

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