A Defenders Mindset & Heart set - Defenders USA’s Adam Winch & Soper Firearms Training’s Tory Soper

2 years ago

​@defenders-usa's Adam Winch & @soperfirearmstraining3412’s Tory Soper discuss the mindset and heart set preparation needed for the one who is or is considering the lifestyle of being a Defender. This conversation brings forth several topics that need to be deeply considered.

Are you ready for the legal, emotional, financial, and spiritual aftermath of using your handgun in defense of life? Social dynamics will change.... are you ready for that?

As a handgun carrying person, be sure that you have proper coverage! Check out Firearms Legal Protection, use discount code: DEFENDERS USA. Link below:

Defenders USA

Soper Firearms Training: https://www.facebook.com/soperfirearmstraining

And we’d love to train you. Check our website calendar for upcoming training.
Website: https://www.defenders-usa.com/courses/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/defenders.training/

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