spiral ankle lift for rotational leg alignment

2 years ago

If you use the spiral ankle lift while running jumping and hopping, your knee alignment is more stable and you can harness more force at toe-off. So now you are better at your sport, and your knee cartilage and cranial cruciate ligaments won’t fray break and tear!
Spiral ankle lift is when the inner ankle and instep lift and the ankle and knee both go upward and outward in a spiralling fashion. Here's how to do it: Stand on the balls of the toes; press the knees wide (like: "bandy-legged"); and press the big toe and ball of big toe into the ground.
Now the muscles that work in and around the first ray (the bones in the line of the big toe) are working as they should from mid-stance to toe off. At mid-stance the leg is more stable so it no longer twists the knee and damages the knee cartilage.
At toe off there is a powerful base of support from which to push. Your glutes and abs sense that the base is stable and push harder. How much harder? - For me, using a static test (no movement), about 4% harder.
More information at: https://www.btpilates.co.nz/

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