FOSS Fun Wednesday 24: New Intel Xe gfx driver in the works, Steam Deck news

2 years ago

Intel Working on New Xe Drivers for Linux
Steam Deck Can Now Play >7000 Games
Freed Computer
XBox Games Studio Touts Steam Deck Compatibility Work

#FFW #intel #steam #steamdeck #xbox #Xegraphics #updates #TechFreedom

FFW 24.1- New Xe GFX Driver In the Works

Intel, via a comment on Mastodon by Jason Ekstrand, whose name should sound familiar from the last time I talked about brand new graphics drivers for Linux, as he is the head of the team that manages most of the Mesa stack at Collabora. So, what is so exciting here? It is technically ready, though unoptimized as of 12/23. This is all new codebase, not dependent on the older iGPU driver code from 9th Gen and earlier. Be patient for a little while longer, you people with 10th Gen or newer Intel processors with the Xe graphics. You will have a better driver soon.

#FFW #intel #iris #xegfx #newdrivers #TechFreedom

St Ambrose spitting some truth here about the conscience.
Have you recently done something you knew was wrong,
or failed to do something that you knew you needed to get
done? How did that feel? Were you ashamed? Have you
tried to punish yourself in any way? Our conscience
condemns us when we sin, either by commission (that
which we do, but ought not), and omission (that which
we ought do, but do not), this is natural. We run for
cover, or we stand and beat ourselves up for whatever
it was, unless we have deadened ourselves through
callous, repeated sin patterns so we no longer hear our
consciences. Tell me I’m not the only one who either
hides or self-abuses in some way when I know that I
screwed up. So what do we do about it? We seek
forgiveness from God, the injured party, and from
ourselves. We repent, then allow that sin to be as
though it never happened. That is not to say that
consequences cease to exist, but forgiveness is
the path to freedom for you and for the other person, particularly.

#FFW #memesplanation #patristicquotes #stambrose #conscience #forgiveness #TechFreedom

FFW 24.2: Steam Deck Can Now Play >7k Games

Quite the milestone for the up & comer in the handheld gaming market. In many games that it can play, it smokes other devices in its category, partially because it is not hampered by dealing with Windows. Linux is lighter, and that is what SteamOS is based on. That is why we often find ourselves talking about Proton developments and the Steam Deck, here on FOSS Fun Wednesdays. So, what are the numbers as of the writing (12/28)?

• Verified - 2,709
• Playable - 4,409
That means that within a year since launch, the Steam Deck went from able to play perhaps 1,000 games to over 7,100 titles that are at least playable. That is a feat, y’all. Hats off to Steam and the Proton team for burning the midnight oil to make not only Steam Deck, but Linux gaming far better than it would have been otherwise. Thank you, all involved.

#FFW #steam #steamdeck #gamesfordays #linuxgaming #TechFreedom

Freed Computer

#freedcomputer #linux #nospying #safe #TechFreedom

FFW 24.3: XBox Games Studio Touts Steam Deck Compatibility for Some Major Games

To be clear, they are not saying that they did anything to make this a reality, but it is a nice feather in the developers’ hats to see and hear a major studio talking about their work in bringing the studio’s games to a new ecosystem. Here’s what they noted, and the discounts available in the Steam Store during the Holiday Sale:

Deck Verified
• DOOM Eternal - 75% off
• DEATHLOOP - 67% off
• Dust: An Elysian Tail - 67% off
• New Super Lucky's Tale - 67% off
• Ms. Splosion Man - 50% off
• Pentiment - 25% off

Deck Playable
• The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition - 75% off
• Fallout 4 - 75% off
• Tell Me Why - 75% off
• Forza Horizon 4 - 67% off
• State of Decay 2: Juggernaut Edition - 50% off
• Halo Infinite - 50% off
• ReCore: Definitive Edition - 50% off
• LocoCycle - 50% off
• Quake Champions - free to play
• Fable - The Lost Chapters - no discount

Quite a few notable AAA titles in this list, though I cannot say that I’ve played any of them... Gaming has largely fallen by the wayside for me for the last 4-5 years, though there have been seasons in that time when I’ve been able to play more, this just isn’t one of them.

#FFW #Linux #xboxstudios #proton #linuxgaming #TechFreedom

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