Episode 91 - Marketing: The Good, the Bad & the Cold Messaging

2 years ago

In this episode we bring on one of our fave babes Brooke to talk to us about Marketing! Now if anyone knows me personally, y’all will know my beef with mlms. I would say that I identify as an “anti-mlmer” for the majority of the last 4-5 years due to my personal experiences. That was my first YouTube rabbit hole babes. It goes deep and it is heavy. However, after going through the last two years being completely misunderstood about my choices, I felt it was time to revisit my thoughts on this. Enter Brooke. For those that don’t know, Brooke and I met online in a self improvement course and we immediately fell in love! (also with our girl Rae!) we connected being on the same page about lots of things and also she was only a province away! How cool! Because we had met and connected right off the bat, I never felt my anti mlm feels for her. Although my anger went deep for the model, I knew she was different. She never pushed her products on me. She NEVER asked me to join her team (although my energy and presence is often a good target for recruiters) and she was always upfront of what she’s doing and selling. Brooke has been in this jbdisteh for a long time. She has seen it all and she isn’t afraid to say where there could be improvements and also helps explain some things about the model in a way that makes absolute sense and makes me have alot of pride for what she is doing. The money goes direct to her. She doesn’t shame anyone, she doesn’t try to bring people in unless they ask, she is honest about her products and also loves the corporate team as it allows her to do what she is best at. Queen vibes. Most people get it twisted when I say I’m not fond of the mlm model. Some take it hella personally and I really hope you can stick with me here and help me change some things. Pro MLM/NWM babes: the issues are not you selling products, making your own life choices and doing yo damn thing ok? Totally respect that. However, you need to address the poor behaviour happening within your industry. Without acknowledgement that there are abusers here, you don’t have my trust. Try your best but listen to some of the anti mlm content and instead of being triggered and going off, why not address the bad and help make it better? Also please stop shaming people for not wanting to be apart of your model, not buying your products or for wanting a different life then you. Not everyone can sell and that is a lie y’all need to stop shilling. I’m saying this with love. Anti mlm Babes: we need to stop being such assholes to everyone who is apart of these models. Not everyone is a dick fuck and some people actually care and are doing good. There is a decent amount of people who do make money and do love their models and their businesses and that’s ok! We don’t have to buy or support but we don’t have to bash or shame either. Look there is bringing awareness to an issue and making sure everyone has informed consent and then there is a point where you are just searching for validation for your experience but that doesn’t mean that is everyone’s and we need to respect that. I’ve gone from pro to anti to mainly balanced. 😜 I still have some issues with it. Just be informed my babes. That’s all I ever want for you. So I don’t have to see more pages go up sharing their bad stories. And we do that by coming together, admitting where we were wrong, growing with new information and seeing the similarities in all of us. It’s there.

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