Secret Scrolls of Ancient Meru Device - Hidden at Polonnaruwa Vatadage, Sri Lanka? | Hindu Temple |

2 years ago

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0:00 - Pinnacle of Architecture
1:01 - Buried Secret
2:08 - Buddha Statues
2:22 - Buddha holding a Scroll
3:34 - Mystical Secrets
3:52 - Pictorial Representations
4:21 - Unique Design
4:57 - Mount Meru
6:03 - Sealed Chamber Opened
6:51 - Mountain or a Device
7:24 - Ancient Power Plant?
8:14 - Reptilian Gods
9:01 - Conclusion

Hey guys, today we are going to look at a fantastic ancient structure called Vatadage in the ancient city of Polonnaruwa in Sri Lanka. This entire place was completely in ruins and was covered with dirt until 1903 when archeologists began excavating this site and found this structure. This circular structure you see, is considered the pinnacle of Sri Lankan architecture and is estimated to be at least 800 years old. It has some of the most beautiful carvings in all of Sri Lanka. But it is not just the beauty of the site that has attracted experts and tourists, it has an ancient secret hidden inside. All archeologists and historians confirm that something special is buried underneath this structure. Some claim this is the tooth of Lord Buddha. Some say it is his begging bowl and others say it is a single strand of hair from the head of Buddha. Whatever it was, it must have been something very important. Why was this structure deliberately buried under a mound of dirt? When the excavation work began in 1903, archeologists noted that it had been intentionally covered by a mound of dirt to make sure no one would find out what was buried underneath. So, whatever is buried underneath this structure, must have some significant value. But what is it?
Perhaps the clue lies in the statues of Buddha. Inside the structure, there are four statues of Buddha situated exactly at the four cardinal direction points. The hands of Buddha show something important. Around the world, almost all ancient Buddhas hands are empty, but in this site, there is something strange. Look at his hands. Do you see this? What is this? Perhaps the sculptors made a mistake while sculpting this particular statue, but no.. this is a different statue and again ..look at his hands. This is found on all the four Buddha statues. This is definitely a scroll containing some kind of text. We can clearly see that it is a cylindrical roll of cloth or paper which had some type of writing.
This is actually a spectacular find: Ancient Buddha Statues holding a scroll. Most people think Buddhism is a simple religion which only focuses on meditation to enlighten the mind. However, ancient Buddhism contains many mystical secrets and focused on advanced technological devices.
What could this scroll have and why is it being held by Lord Buddha himself? Remember, ancient civilizations used symbolism and pictorial representations as clues, this is why all ancient builders carved figures, instead of texts. We still do it today, to a certain extent. In important situations, we resort to putting up pictures rather than words so anyone can understand what's going on. So in order to find out what would have been written in this scroll, the best clues would be found in the structure itself. Let us examine the architecture of the structure. In Sri Lanka, there are usually Stupas, these huge bell like structures. However, the Vatadage has a very unique design. From the outside , it has a circular design, but the top view of the structure reveals something fantastic. It looks like a complex technical diagram to the naked eye, but it is remarkably similar to mount Meru. Now, what is mount Meru? According to Buddhism and Hinduism, mount Meru contains the key to open all physical and spiritual universes. It has as a turtle shaped base with a complex pyramid like structure on top. If you look at the floor plan of Vatadage, it looks identical to a turtle and archaeologists confirm a structure similar to Meru once existed on top of this base.
Is it possible that the scroll Buddha is holding contains some information about Mount Meru? More importantly, is this scroll buried underneath the structure? Where can we find out more information about the Buddhist scrolls which talk about Mount Meru? Such ancient texts were secretly transported to Mogao caves of China , where Buddhist monks stored the scrolls in various caves. In 1907, an explorer by the name of Aurel Stein managed to open a sealed chamber in Mogao caves which contained 50,000 manuscripts in various languages.

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