Create Your Reality with Your Future Vision

2 years ago

Welcome to this guided NeuroMeditation.

Before you can say "I'm don't have time to do a meditation" .....

Don't underestimate the power of visualization. It's the most powerful step a human can take.

Multi-tasking; being flustered, and checking emails until the very last moment before bed is busyness is unsustainable. I know, because I’ve been there

Your vision is an ongoing, changing, breathing, and living organism.

What begins as character-building and self-mastery, leads to a path of Higher-Self Development through advanced mindfulness and energy-generating practices.

Visualization harnesses subtle energy (prana) as a foundation to become the best version of ourselves.

The very premise of evolution is that our individual and collective VISIONS are made to evolve.

👁 But, there's a small problem highlighted by standing on the shoulders of pioneers...

Candace Pert and Joe Dispenza's research states that our patterns and choice of FOCUS of "stress/overwhelm/perfectionism/fear" creates a biological state of homeostasis by generating the neurochemicals to make it your baseline.

Before we know it, by default patterns this is your lived identity.

So its natural as a Hypnotherapist that the first quest is to connect the vastness of our possibility - starting with a vision and remapping the subconscious mind.

The Growth Guild utilizes evidence-based and cutting-edge tools and skills to lead your mind to stay strong over the long term.

Cultivate your thoughts and emotions in skillful ways, unwind the mental weight that is dragging you down and connect to inner strengths that help you feel happier, more confident and more resilient.

Ready to galvanize your mental strength, creating a new enlivened way you feel, think and create from.

Find relief, reconnect and recharge. Walk away with powerful insights that will jumpstart your next level that'll last a lifetime.

Mental strength gives you that unfair advantage to create the life you want, instead of letting your outside circumstances determine life for you.

You cannot build a house on loose sand (or a hijacked amygdala flooded with stress and overwhelm).


You cannot rush the evolution of it's growth.

You can only create a grand vision and create the ecosystem to fulfill the harvest.

So, FIRST, we start with the subconscious soil to cultivate a firm foundation.

🌱 Your Mission — should you choose to accept it — is to share
✸ WHY you're here, and
✸ WHO you see yourself 12 months from now.
✸ WHERE you need support.


1️⃣ Fill out your profile.

2️⃣ LISTEN to the audio.

This informs your subconscious, our tribe, and the universe of your end result - VISION.

3️⃣ Write down what you capture (feel free to use the Done fo-ya TEMPLATE)

HI, I'm ________, and I'm here to __________.

My superconscious vision and inner guidance I received in the NeuroMediation was ______.

Where I get stuck and need support is ____________________.

👩🏼‍🔬 The NEUROSCIENCE and QUANTUM explanation.

Sharing your Future Self allows our members to visualize what you desire with you, which builds each of our individual and whole collective Quantum Field.

Lynn McTaggert and Joe Dispenza prove that when we add to the stream of consciousness with intention, we collapse time and amplify its possibility and probability.

Lighting up all neuro-networks and 5 Energetic bodies, your superconsious mind and subconscious mind will work for you versus its default against you.

It’s the difference between circling an eddy current to setting the structure of a "path of least resistance."

This way, you start to attract relationships and resources, versus in scarcity and fear, chasing them.

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