Communist Attack Christmas - The Kings Speech - Legal Outlook of 2023

2 years ago

Catholic Drive Time - 877-757-9424

Date – Thursday, December 29, 2022 – Fifth Day of Christmas

INTRO – The Communist Subversion Christmas... make Christmas Great Again! Dr. Paul Kengor joins us!
And – The Christmas speech that defines the King as a ‘defender of faiths’??? Dr. Gavin Ashenden weighs in on the King’s Speech!
Also – Brent Haynes - change in control of the US House of Representatives... what can we expect.

Quick News -
- Avatar: The Way Of Water passes $1bn at the global box office
- Chinese Travelers Land in Italy, Half Test Positive for Coronavirus … U.S. will require travelers from China to show negative COVID test before boarding flights
- Twitter owner Elon Musk announced on Wednesday that the platform would pursue a policy of both following established science while questioning prevailing orthodoxies and challenging field experts to substantiate their positions.
- The National Guard is doing door-to-door wellness checks across Erie County, New York, as the death toll from the Buffalo-area blizzard has risen to 34, officials

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What’s Concerning Us? – Dr. Paul Kengor – Communist subversion of Christmas
Santa Claus
Non-Christian music, customs, and traditions
Holiday... non-Christians are celebrating?

Guest Seg. - Dr. Gavin Ashenden – the King’s Speech – Defender of faiths?
- Falling Christian #’s
- Arrested for silent prayer
- Dramatically this year the King’s Speech refers not just to a film about the recent history of the monarchy. It is the Monarch’s Christmas address. It is the articulation of our new present. A different King and a different speech; not about an abdication but about a new reign, delivered at Christmas. This was a speech that set out to map the future. It’s intention was not only to celebrate the beginning of a new reign in an address to the nation, but to change the role of the monarchy to preserve the House of Windsor’s future.
- He then laid claim to his mother’s mantle: “She believed in God and people, and so do I.” And then, speaking on behalf of compassionate humanity everywhere, he paid tribute to all those who help their suffering neighbours. This will have pleased his many humanist and agnostic subjects who treasure the nice and the kind.
- And then he turned as expected, to God. Or rather to the gods.
- Because Charles has become, as he promised he would, “defender of faiths”; a celebrant of light in general not the Light in particular; not the Light from which as St John tells us all life as well as light in general flows.
- If Charles is really going to shift from being a Christian Protestant monarch, saving the schismatic Protestant establishment from the dangers of the Catholicism, spiritual and political, into a 21st century religious relativism, this is no small thing. It is not even a change of gear or shift of identity within a faith. It is the abandonment of that faith.
- The monarchy is already much more fragile than it looks.
- But in this country Christianity is buckling under the relentless daily assault that an increasingly hostile secularism is directing towards it. Today, you can be arrested on suspicion of praying in the environs of a closed abortion facility by the thought and now prayer police.

2nd Hour Guest Seg. - Brent Haynes -
Supreme Court victories
The change in control of the US House of Representatives (forestalls packing the Supreme Court, among other things)

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