MR. NON-PC - Nobody Ever Really Changes For The Better!

2 years ago

I have been thinking about this subject an awful lot lately within the past few years...and it's how nobody ever really changes for the better!

I can remember years back how people used to keep in touch much more without all the smartphones, computers, TV and Anti-Social media. People actually called one another regularly, stopped by to visit one another or did a random act of kindness here and there.

Now there are some exceptions to the rule, where some people go bankrupt, have a near death experience or a traumatic event of some sort and they do change for the better!

But I believe a lot of the reason for the moral slide in our society boils down to the extremely poor leadership all around, and how people just like to "follow the leader" instead of being their own person!

The key to being better is making small changes, and improving gradually and being a little bit better in your own way each day. It's also about staying on your purpose or finding your purpose and staying on it! Even if it's something small...stick to it, stay on it and stop doing what everyone else is doing!

That's how the change for the better begins...

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