Sensational News | Kosovo Tensions Reach Boiling Point: Serbs Set Up Roadblocks | #shorts #news

2 years ago

Sensational News | "Kosovo Tensions Reach Boiling Point: Serbs Set Up Roadblocks" | #shorts #news

Serbs in northern Kosovo on Tuesday erected more roadblocks and refused to remove those placed earlier, amid heightened tensions between them and Kosovar authorities in the ethnically Serb-majority region. The new barriers, made of laden trucks, were put up overnight in Mitrovica. This comes as Serbian forces remain on the "highest alert of combat readiness" to "protect" Kosovo's Serb population.

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#Kosovo #Serbs #Mitrovica #Roadblocks #Tensions #HighestAlert #CombatReadiness #ProtectSerbPopulation #newsupdate#dailynews

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1. Roadblocks in Mitrovica,
2. Tensions between Serbs and Kosovar authorities,
3. Serbian forces on combat readiness,
4. Serbmajority region of Kosovo,
5. Protection of Kosovo's Serb population

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