May 4, 2022 🇺🇸 JESUS SAYS... I'd like to speak about Restoration, when all seems lost

2 years ago

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I’d like to speak about Restoration, when all seems lost

May 4, 2022 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) Precious Lord Jesus, would you please follow up on that last message about suicide and give us advice on how to restore our lives when everything seems lost… Amen. This is a message that follows the one on suicide and despair, to give hope and what exactly can be done when you are at that point in your life. Jesus began…

(Jesus) “You want to end your life because you cannot see beyond your problems and the troubles that surround you in the world. The truth is you have not even begun to live your life yet. The gifts I embedded in you at your birth have not begun to be used. There are layers and layers and layers of gifts in your spirits.

“Gifts of joy, perseverance, accomplishment, Divine appointments, open doors, souls that were born to be your marriage partner, all this and more than you can even imagine, await you in your lives, but that requires your cooperation. Many times, I lead you in the right direction while you are thinking of a certain outcome, yet I have an outcome that is so much better than yours.

“Many of you are suicidal because you have been listening to music Satan created through unsuspecting artists, to lead you to suicide. Why would they do that? Because this generation right now is an anointed generation full of gifts, and Satan fears you growing up to adulthood and becoming a threat to him by restoring souls who also have given up hope.

“Consider this, My children, you are ready to throw away the life I gave you. Why not throw away your self will to end your life and, instead, give it to Me to dispose of it any way I want to? Therefore, if physical death is what you need, it will happen, if movie making or writing is your gift, I will make that happen. If finding the love of your life is what will make you happy, I will see to it that you meet and recognize them for who they are.

“What I am saying to you is that you cannot lose by giving up your life and free will to Me, because I will make it the most beautiful life you thought you could ever have. I will heal all the broken places, I will restore all the gifts, I will send angels into your lives to help you. I will instruct you in basic skills that will enable you to flourish and follow your path in life without giving up. Those deep wounds in your souls will be healed when you bring them to Me, for I have medicine you know not of.

“People will begin to come into your life, people that are good and helpful, and I will even weed out the bad apples that do not understand this life of serving Me. I will expose all the lies you have been fed in the media, all the lies you have been fed about Me, created to make you give up. You will see how you have been duped by the modern culture; and the mask will be pulled away and you will see all the opportunities lying before you.

“Giving Me your life releases you to the highest level of fulfillment a soul is capable of in its lifetime. Why? Because you were created by My Father, and only WE know the destiny you were created for. Everything in your life you have experienced, both the bad and the good, were allowed to prepare you for your mission, and it will be a mission you love. Even the really painful experiences, which were not sent by Me, but by Satan, will be turned around to your good and the good of your friends, as well as those who find themselves in the very same situations you overcame, with Me standing beside you, closing the doors of evil and opening the doors to all that is good and needful in your life.

“And how will I do this? I will communicate through your hearts, dear ones. You will feel good about some opportunities and bad about others. I will give you the wisdom to spot lies and empty promises that will cheat you out of life and steal your destiny. Yes, Satan wants to steal your destiny. But if you give your life to Me and abide by My rules, he will not succeed, and you will overcome his traps and tricks.

“You ask, what I require of you? My beloved ones, seek Me in prayer, open your hearts and pour it out to Me, so that you can receive the good counsel I will give you. You may write down what is on your heart on the computer or in a journal, like a letter to a close friend, and when you are done, you may feel or sense words coming to you that are not yours. Typically, I will reach out and say something that is very clear in your mind. If you write that down and believe it, I will continue, and before you know it, you and I will have a real working relationship. You were born for this, you were born for greater things… so do not throw your life away, give it away to Me, and I will make possible what you thought was impossible.

“You will hear a voice in your heart… ‘This is the way, walk it’ – and you will know it is My voice, because I promised that My sheep will hear My voice. You will walk that way, and it will not always be easy, but I will teach you how to overcome Satan’s fury. He will in no way succeed if you hold to My ways.

“When you are in your darkest moment, you will seek Me and find Me. It may very well be on this channel, or on the Heartdwellers website, where you will realize that I am talking to you, and you are getting a confirmation. (The Links are below the video in the description)

“It will shock you that I am always aware of everything you are going through, and that I have an answer.

“I want to explain prayer to you. Simply, if you recognize that I am God, come to Me in faith with humility, believing I care about you and your special problems and obstacles. Come to Me and spill your guts. In other words, no affectations, nothing about being proper, just gut it out, and tell Me how you feel, and what is troubling you. I may speak to you right there and then. I may put a word in your mind, or you may get a Rhema message.”

(Clare) Rhema is Latin for an “illuminated word”, with illuminated meaning that it speaks to your particular situation.

(Jesus) “What does My Voice sound like? It sounds very much like your own mind. It is very quiet, a little distant, almost like a whisper. But when you connect with a word that you suspect might be Me, continue to listen and write down what you hear, until it stops. Then answer Me with your very own thoughts. Later you will want to discern if that voice is from Me, or Satan, or just yourself. Mother Clare has done messages on how to spot a lie through discernment. Listen to those and you will quickly learn how to recognize an imitation voice.

“Hallmarks of a lying spirit go as follows… You will feel badly about the message, or you may feel proud and prideful, that you are better than someone else. You may even be fearful or upset about the message, you will put blame on someone else, or talk badly about someone else. You will feel ill at ease about the solution offered, you will judge or resent others, you will be prompted to lie, cheat, or do something wrong.

“A word of caution… when you have been hurt by someone or something, you will tend towards rejecting them, discrediting them, finding fault, and gossiping about them. You will not feel the mercy and good fruits that come from the Holy Spirit. You may even be tormented with negative thoughts that open the door for arguments and strife with those around you.

“When you hear My voice, you will feel a deep peace, as well as joy that I actually spoke to you. You will feel a release from your burden, either through having the problem solved or just turning it over to Me, who has the solution. You will not feel impatient or grinding anxiety, needing to push those around you. Be still and know that I am God.

“Beloved ones, I have been speaking to you all your lives. Now you will recognize My Voice, and that will give you faith and confidence that you are truly loved, that you are important and beautiful to Me, because I created you beautiful, and that I am watching over you and have answers to every dilemma in your life.

“So please, come to Me, come to Me expecting to hear from Me, read between the lines in the Scriptures or in a holy book, watch for holy signs, like a heart – maybe a heart shaped rock will show up, or a heart shaped leaf, or maybe you will cut a tomato and get a great big heart. Look for every little sign that I send you, verifying that it truly is Me speaking to you and that I have plotted the way out of this darkness and into the light. All you have to do is give your life to Me and trust Me.”

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