Government Censorship in Big Tech Is the New ‘Operation Mockingbird’; Second War Brews in Europe

2 years ago

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The “Twitter Files” have exposed how federal agencies have engaged in censorship and online manipulation to push narratives they want and to eliminate narratives they oppose. The manipulation of Big Tech, alongside similar programs to manipulate journalists, is part of a concerning trend for free speech going back to the controversial “Operation Mockingbird” program to manipulate news.

Meanwhile, a second war is brewing in Europe. Serbia is sending military forces to the border of Kosovo, promising it will take military actions to protect local Serbians. This is in response to reports that Serbs in Kosovo are being harassed by the local Albanians. The tensions could result in a repeat of the Kosovo War in the late 1990s, which could further destabilize Europe.

In this live Q&A with Crossroads host Joshua Philipp, we’ll discuss these stories and others, and answer questions from the audience.

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