Chi Sao Training

2 years ago

In this video I work with a student doing Chi Sao. The normal benefits of classical Wing Chun still apply (sensitivity training), but Wing Chun Re-engineered puts a large focus on arm control and arm trapping, and where the trapping is applied differently from that in the classical system.

Here I initiate restrained offensive movements giving the student an opportunity to trap my arms and strike. If he fails to do so within 2 or 3 of my punches, I will then take control and essentially demonstrate what he needs to be doing to me. He is given only a short time before I take control because in Wing Chun Re-Engineered, the objective is to gain arm control as quickly as possible, secure a solid double-arm trap (applying elbow strikes as needed), and ultimately end up on the ground in top control position applying a final double-arm trap and solid block-free elbow strike ending the fight.

In Wing Chun Re-Engineered we never use the classical Wing Chun straight punch blast in an offensive manner. We also seldom perform trapping in the classical way, but instead, perform solid and secure double-arm traps intended to disable the opponents ability to use his arms before being struck while standing or on the ground. The idea is to trap both of the opponents arms while having a free hand or elbow to strike with.

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