How to Love Yourself Using the Love Language "Words of Affirmation"

2 years ago

#HowtoLoveYourself #LoveLanguageWordsofAffirmation #ShayoliHope

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How to Love Yourself Using the Love Language "Words of Affirmation" || Women's Life Coaching || Spirituality

Personal Development Challenge Time! Show yourself love through the Words of Affirmation love language. Think about what specific gestures you can do for yourself throughout this video.

You can't enter any world for which you don't have the language.
Poetry is a doorway into the language of the soul. You can only enter your heart through language of the heart.

You can also use nature, art, music, animals, children, etc. to get into your heart space. Which way is your favorite?

You overhear yourself all day long--the subconscious mind doesn't differentiate between who you're talking to!

Practice: Say to your child every day what YOU always wanted to hear as a child. Say it at 100% and your own inner child will get it.

"Admit" is a poem by David Whyte that I just love! Enjoy!

The first step is to admit how far we are from ourselves, how often we run away, fool ourselves, put on a mask, or hide from our vulnerability.

You get to give yourself permission for what you want, have, do, and be!

Self-love gesture ideas:
- Write yourself a love letter or love notes
- Potty training: Say "I love you" and smile at yourself in bathroom mirror
- Make "I Am" poster
- Tell a child what you always wanted to hear as a child
- Daily journaling of what you're grateful for about yourself


0:00 Welcome
1:10 The 5 Love Languages--Gary Chapman
3:30 Language as a Doorway In
9:23 Conflicting Love Languages
11:11 Words of Affirmation Love Language
15:19 Healing your inner child
18:17 "Admit" poem
21:55 Self-love gesture ideas

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