Which Yeast is Beneficial for Your Gut Health?

2 years ago

Which Yeast is Beneficial for Your Gut Health?

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Hey, guys! In this video, let's talk about which yeast is beneficial for your gut. Probiotics are basically "live bacteria" in certain foods, such as yogurt and supplements. Don't let the word "bacteria" scare you. Probiotics fall under the unofficial category of "good bacteria" because they function like the "good bacteria" that already live inside us. These microorganisms help your body fight off the "bad bacteria" you certainly have heard about. They also help with digestion and ensure the body absorbs the proper nutrients from your food.

Saccharomyces is a probiotic. But there's one significant difference: it's not a type of bacteria. It's a yeast that functions as a probiotic in the body. Dr. J and Evan recommend it to help patients. It helps regulate the intestines and protects them from pathogens and other things that can damage the intestinal lining. It also modulates different parts of your immune system and keeps the intestinal barrier function up and running.

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