High hat 🎩 water company I believe is the biz in-law was partner in w/ TOM WATERMAN my pub-def-son!

2 years ago

So when I was falsely arrested, falsely Imprisoned and falsely convicted of no crime whatsoever with no trial And no attorney. The guy they say was my attorney just so happens to be clay waterman. Now I was under extreme trauma and ptsd and brain 🧠 trauma at the time. Seizures you name it. So I did not know or remember where the name waterman came from. It was only deep into my investigative work did I remember about my father-in-law telling me about his good friend and business partner ex attorney and judge who passed away or was killed! Well his son ended up being my representative!!!! Can anyone say conflict of interest??!!! The guy needless to say did not help me out. He screwed me. Furthermore the prosecutor was the neice or cousin of my father in law! her name is angel Monistere!!!! I remember now being at a family reunion and Mr brian my father in law bragging to me about his niece being a DA and winking at me like “yeah I got the whole state rigged” little did I know she would be the person to help them falsely imprison me and ruin my record. All will be expunged when this 500 million in damages to me and my sons is settled. Trezevant vs Tampa. 1.8 million per day for false Imprisonment. More news coming soon.

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