December 28, 2022

2 years ago


On one of our many journeys as a family, dad ended up preaching in Tonawanda, New York, close to Niagara Falls. So, of course, we couldn't miss the opportunity to visit that historic site. At one point, we found ourselves going down a tunnel that took us under the falls; what I experienced there as a teenager has stayed with me my entire life.
The roar of the falls filled the decimal range in our hearing, so there was no more room for the sound to enter our ears. Even if we screamed very loud into each other's ears, no understandable sound was registered. The sound coming off the following water completely saturated our ability. Do you hear anything else?
Our greatest gift from heaven is the voice that our heavenly father has given us and the free will to choose our own words. God has chosen us as independent players in his great army of created sons and daughters on earth.
The power of our voice and the words we choose to use have the potential to shape the very kingdom of God that we've been called into. The words we speak are alive and have the potential to create life or destroy it.
Scriptures tell us that death and life are found in the power of the tongue.
(Pro 18:21) and they that love it, she'll eat the fruit thereof.
Two things will hinder our voice and cause us to lose our position as creators of life in this great kingdom of God.
The first one is possibly the most crippling of all; the lack of use. Many believers have not been taught that their voice was meant to be used to change the world around them. Because of that lack of understanding, a considerable part of the army of God is mute.
The second thing that hinders our voices is the overabundance of sound around us that fills the atmosphere. Was so much white noise that we couldn't hear ourselves speak. Why even try? We think as we become discouraged and eventually quit speaking.
Today I call for the voice of the body of Christ to speak out loud and bold. In your mouth is the key to the salvation of the world. The apostle Paul declared that it was in the mouth of those that hurt him that it made the difference in the outcome of their life.
Use the greatest gift God has given you, the power of speech, to declare your and your generation's freedom.




Faith Producers address: PO Bx 1006 Mt Vernon, WA 98273



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