"Everything you know about this country is FAKE". CIA Involved with JFK Assassination?"

2 years ago

Tucker states he has a source that has full access to ALL JFK files and that source believes that the CIA was indeed involved. Is the CIA breaking the law by not releasing the rest of the JFK Documents? Is everything we know about this country fake?

Video Source Material.
1. School of law University of Georgia Truman statement to abolish the CIA https://digitalcommons.law.uga.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1239&context=fac_pm

2. Harry Truman Op Ed Dec 22nd, 1963 to restrict the CIA https://ratical.org/ratville/JFK/Unspeakable/TrumanLimitCIA.html

3. Original Tucker Segment stating what his source said. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAiRmhXvJHs&list=PLj7wwK__lkjVRqQYxUlULG04Cv2IlGQ6c&index=3

4. The President John F Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act: Quoted portion on page 7.

0:00 Intro and context preface
2:27: The Tucker Clip
10:00 Why it is not technically illegal to hold back the documents
13:13 The proposed solution

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