How to Deal with Kids at Mass: The Great Struggle

2 years ago

Auguste Meyrat - Crisis Magazine - Today’s Churches Increasingly Anti-Family

- “If it ain’t crying, it’s dying.”

- most of the people leading churches have done their best to make church a place for the elderly and unattached, not the young. As such, the aesthetic, culture, messaging, and even behavior of the individual worshippers at most churches have now become explicitly anti-family and anti-youth.

- Inevitably, this banality makes its way into the pastor’s sermons and the community’s general values, which are geared ever more toward the tastes of older people and non-parents. Sermons in most churches tend to focus on the themes of forgiveness, inner peace, and staying positive—all of which might be on the mind of the lonely spinster who worries about Covid or the DINKWAD (dual income, no kid, with a dog) fretting over his next vacation. By contrast, few sermons ever touch on the need to sacrifice for others, temptations and vice, and the presence of evil in the world—all of which assail young parents trying to stay on the right path and guard their kids’ innocence.

- Besides taking a less adversarial stance against their traditionalist counterparts, modern churches need to make greater efforts to foster a family-friendly culture. This doesn’t mean relaxing rules, empty pandering, or even offering childcare services that take the kids while parents attend worship. Rather, it means giving more of a thought to what both parents and children need to become saints.

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