Griffin Armament's Intro to Sound Testing

2 years ago

Griffin Armament has always had a focused effort behind maximizing the performance of all our Sound Suppressor products. Testing new products with state-of-the-art equipment is a necessity to ensure performance and quality.

For these reasons, we have invested in a new sound testing laboratory featuring the Brüel & Kjær Pulse System which has the ability to simultaneously deliver data from 3 channels. This means we can collect real-time data from the 1m Left of Muzzle position as well as the shooter's left and right ears.

In this video, Austin gives us insight into his history and experience with sound testing and equipment, an overview of the testing standards we've established, a demo of the capability to collect and display data in real-time, and a practical demo of the sound tests we will be conducting.

No longer will you have to watch post-process edited performance numbers appear on screen without verification of the real numbers. Griffin Armament is expanding the transparency of sound suppressor performance testing and challenging the entire industry with the display of live data collection, on-screen, in real-time.

For more information on Griffin Armament, and to view our entire line of premium quality products, please visit our website:

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