What is TRUTH? : Introductory Course into the World of Conspiracy

2 years ago

We all have to start somewhere on our journey in the World of Conspiracies, Yours's starts here:

1. Why is knowing Objective Truth important?
2. What is information and what are the different types?
3. Understanding a simple way of looking at the concept of ideas, observations and data.
4. What constitutes mis-information?
5. How do we define reality?
6. Do false realities conceptually exist?
7. The fictional worlds of movies and television.
8. Can fictional worlds be convincingly real?
9. What is a social construct?
10. How easy is it to brain wash someone?
11. The allegory of Plato's Cave.
12. Technological advancement to trick the masses.
13. You can do a lot to people if you have enough money.
14. You make more money by cheating.
15. Let's play a game.
16. What are Psychopaths.
17. Know your enemy
18. Popular psychopaths portrayed in entertainment.
19. Psychopaths in society.
20. The industries that govern our world.
21. Choose what game your playing.
22. It's not just a movie.
23. Truth hidden in plain sight.

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