The Ekklesia Project - Episode 96

2 years ago

A freedman of God hosting a journey to discover the lost ekklesia of God.
As we continue this mini-series exploring how one obtains eternal life, in this episode we focus on 1 John 1:5-2:6 to discover the power of the ekklesia of God to cleanse one from all unrighteousness. If we walk in the Light, i.e., according to the commands of Christ as the Light of the kosmos, we have true fellowship with one another as we fellowship with the Father and His Son. This holy fellowship may be called to form a New Covenant people of God that constitutes an ekklesia of God wherein the full benefits of such a fellowship may be realized, since the ekklesia of God, as the New Covenant kingdom of God, is the primary means of sanctification provided to us under the New Covenant. We also explore other passages such as 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1, Ephesians 5:26, Titus 2:14, and Hebrews 9:14 to provide a fuller context and confirm the truths learned in our study of 1 John 1:5-2:6.

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