If I had young children, I would not give them any childhood vaccines, says dr. Pierre Kory 👏

2 years ago

The referenced tweets by dr. Kory's can all be found in this thread:


Since vaccines are given to healthy people, they should have significantly better proof of necessity, safety and efficacy than other medicines. In reality, they have almost no proof.

There is NOT EVEN ONE vaccine (including all the regular childhood vaccines) that has a prospective randomized double blind inert placebo controlled trial with more than 2 months follow-up.

There is certainly no scientific evidence of the safety and efficacy of combination vaccines, especially when given early in childhood.

There is also absolutely no evidence that vaccination protects others. No amount of vaccination will lead to herd immunity.

There is significant evidence that the vaccines do a lot of harm. For example evidence collected by...

- dr. Andrew Wakefield, who showed a clear (temporal) relationship between vaccination and sudden onset of autism
- CDC's dr. William Thompson who was ordered to destroy evidence showing that the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine causes autism
- pediatrician dr. Paul Thomas, whose thorough observational study showed clealry that vaccinated children are in significantly worse health than unvaccinated children
- Christopher Exley, who showed that aluminum (which is used as an adjuvant in vaccines) is very toxic and present in very high doses in the brains of vaccine injured

Note that the United States ranks very low on early childhood mortality despite being one the richest countries. The U.S. probably also has by far the highest number of scheduled vaccine doses per child starting immediately after (and sometimes before) birth.

For more information, read at least the following excellent books: 'Dissolving Illusions' by dr. Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk, and 'Turtles All The Way Down' by dr. Mary Holland.

I acknowledge that children are needlessly dying in third world countries and agree that we should fight to prevent this. However, vaccines are the wrong means, because (1) they do more harm than good, (2) there are other unused interventions that perform significantly better per dollar invested and per unit of risk.

The latter interventions are at a minimum: basic hygiene (e.g. sewer and other waste disposal), clean water, adequate healthy food, and a healthy environment with as little toxins as possible.

We should identify root causes and solve them.


Vaccines did not stop childhood diseases; plumbers and healthy nutrition did

SOURCE: https://www.bitchute.com/video/3KzRbRH0cSmY/

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