Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 12-28-22: Coming Soon – Yet Still a Little While

2 years ago

Pew Research recently conducted a survey on Climate Change in relation to various religious traditions. Within that survey from April 2022 they asked some questions about end-times beliefs. I’m not sure what prompted that aspect of the study; perhaps it had something to do with the apocalyptic weather we’re having lately, or that they somehow knew we’d have. The meme of climate change has certainly been promoted with Armageddon in mind – the intent being that if we don’t DO SOMETHING all is lost, mankind will die out, and the world will self-destruct. Of course, the problem with this is that the global elites WANT mankind eradicated. Is there man-made climate change? Absolutely! Just not in the manner that’s put forth. Our CO2 emissions, and the fact that we are carbon-based life forms, have nothing to do with the weather holocaust around the world. The weather, a.k.a. the climate, is being manipulated – geoengineered, if you will – and the people of the world are being deceived. It’s just one more trick of Satan.

In fact, what Satan has done is turn the hearts of many away from God with the fear that we’re breathing ourselves to death by exhaling too much carbon dioxide, allowing too many cows to live and pollute the atmosphere through their bodily functions, and that our human population of useless eaters is exploding far beyond the sustainability of the earth. In the midst of all this, those with varied religious persuasions are largely directing their focus everywhere but on the Lord.

These many factors have caused the church to ignore God’s Word with its pronouncements of judgment. Because Christians generally don’t read their Bibles and have little understanding of God’s work in the Old Testament, they don’t see the relation to us in New Testament times. Actually, to gain the sense of how God is indeed the same yesterday, today, and forever, we must see what God did in response when His Chosen People – the Jews – rejected Him in order for us to grasp what He will do in our current times. Make no mistake. We likewise have chosen to reject our Creator and Deliverer, and for that great sin, there must be a reckoning. However, likewise, there will be a marvelous and much welcomed deliverance. The question is: when?


Pastor Dana – Canary in the Coal Mine Dream

Gary Ritter website: books & blog

Please note that the transcript is available on my website blog under the post with the same title.

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