Doug Casey's Take (#16) Doug is an Anarchist?

2 years ago

When people think of an anarchist they think of a black-clad, bomb-thrower advocating chaos. But, in this episode, Doug Casey explains how the word anarchist has been corrupted like so much of the language. In fact, an anarchist has a lot more in common with a Taoist than a black-block member of Antifa.

Also in this episode:
European anarchism vs. American anarchism
Personal responsibility and why people like offloading responsibility to the state
The false choice of left vs. right
The conflation of a country with a government and 'legal' with 'right'
Coercion vs. volunteerism
The type of country where one can live freely
How Doug came to write the forward for the book that crystalized his thinking
Books mentioned:
The Machinery of Freedom:

00:00:00 Introduction
1:18 2 schools of anarchy
4:30 Left & Right are always changing
7:20 State is institutionalized coercion
10:30 Why do people like having a ruler?
13:42 Ayn Rand didn’t go far enough
19:00 Private police would be better
21:27 What holds a civilized society together, is peer pressure, moral suasion, and social approbation
27:05 how many laws do you need in an anarchy society
31:35 One great law
33:36 Is there a place people can live like that today?
39:01 where do you get an ethical education today?
43:03 Daoism and Anarchism
47:00 conservatism shoots itself in its own foot
51:07 Argentina over Uruguay
53:40 The long run will be rough regardless of who wins

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