The Creative Class |

2 years ago

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In this episode Joel and Antonia discuss what it means to be part of the creative class.

Rise of the Creative Class by Richard Florida:


- Since so much of labor has been automated, there’s more and more need for knowledge workers and a creative class.

- We’re often far more creative as children, and it’s a challenge to reclaim that creativity as adults.

- Some personality types make better decisions if they just tap into their creative side.

- Creativity can lead to major personal growth.

- An artist is anyone who is creative, and a creative self can be reclaimed.

- “Shadow Artists” are those who desire to be creative, but don’t directly go for their dream. They get a job that is close to it. (i.e. An assistant to a film director, instead of being the director.)

- Permission is the biggest factor in living the artistic/creative life you desire.

- There are some stereotypes about artistic and creative types that can turn people off from pursuing their authentic desires.

- Being part of the creative class doesn’t have to look like the traditional artist.

- Creativity can’t necessarily be quantified and measured. There can be a lot of waste/excess, so it can look messy.

- Not everyone wants you to be creative. They don’t want you to reinvent the wheel, they want the bottom line. Support is important but not always available.

- When we don’t give ourselves permission to do things, it’s very difficult to give others permission.

- When someone breaks free and pursues creativity others may resent their sense of freedom.

- A creative class is rising, which means less and less people are resenting others creative freedom.

- Creatives tend to ask for forgiveness instead of permission.

- Don’t let others stop you if you get the wind knocked out of your sails.

- Creatives are more needed than ever – we’re moving into a creative culture.

- The creative class is also discovering new ways of doing business. They’re not just creating art – they’re creating new business models.

- Creativity will be needed to save entire industries.

- Creative ideas can be seen even in places like the prison system.

- Technology outpaces itself every eight months. We need a lot of creative minds to come up with solutions to keep up with technology.

- This creative culture is going to have to be more forgiving of failure.

- In creativity, failure is part of test/iterate, and gets you to your goal faster. It’s part of the process, as long as you’re increasing the quality of your failures.

- When reclaiming creativity, start with something you have sovereignty over. Where you can call the shots.

- Give yourself a lot of space and time for creativity. Playfulness is important. Get on a child’s level, crawl on the floor. Replicate the experiences of childhood.

- Act like you did when you were 7 years old.

- Practice not giving a damn.

- Put up reminders in your home to be expressive and free from social censure.

- Creative people are life-long learners. School/education may move into a subscription model as opposed to something you get through in college and then move on.

- Always have a book you’re reading.

- Community is vital to a creative class person. Find a community/tribe of like-minded individuals.


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