Females & Males Are Different Species? - MGTOW

2 years ago

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Istvan and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, You are probably familiar with the rock band called Europe. Their biggest hit is It's The Final Countdown. I think it's a great song and on YouTube this song has been viewed over a 100m times! My interpretation of the lyrics is as follows: In the future humanity will have split into at least 2 separate entities, men and women, and solved the problem of asexual reproduction through artificial technological means. This was necessitated because of the fundamental incompatibility of men and women when it comes to ways and means of managing this world. Please read the the lyrics of the song which are as follows: "We're leaving together"....."We're heading for Venus" (planet of women where an all-female society could be living).... "And welcome us all" (hopeful but unrealistic).... "With so many light years to go" (male inquisitiveness and exploratory instinct)...."I'm sure that we all miss her so" (lamenting the reality of male/female incompatibility, but biology is destiny). Well Istvan thanks for the donation and topic. That song you mentioned I didn't know what it was until I started playing it and recognized it immediately. It's from the 80s and it's had over a billion views since it was uploaded and not 100 million. I'm not so sure about your interpretation. I think the music is catchy and the lyrics are just a background for the guitar solo and the main theme which sounds like it's being played on a synthesizer but I don't see one on stage all that much. It was the 80s afterall and people thought that synthetic sounding music was cheating or something. I think the lyrics are filler for when the lead singer sings The Final Countdown as well. As for males and females being different species it's easy to think that if you look at most species. I was watching some cardinal birds recently after placing some sunflower seeds for them to eat. The male, the red one would come to where the seeds were, clean them of their shell and then bring them back to the brown plain looking female bird. She's plain looking so that she's harder to spot by predators and he's a male and males as you know are disposable. The point of our current reproduction is men to compete for women and the men that win their prize is for their genes to survive to the next generation while they suffer today. Not much of a prize if you ask me. I'll get to my thoughts about men and women being so different they might as well be two different species in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection Part 2:

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"

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