Soaking Series | Relaxing Deep Sleep Music | Vol 01 | 432Hz

2 years ago

Soak in the presence of peace and tranquility. This new Phi Balanced™️ Soaking series is designed to harness the power and love of the creative force. In tune with the substructure of creation itself, this 432hz tuned music uses binaural beats, phi balanced™️ psychotechnology and the familiar motifs of CCM to provide a unique soundscape to aid your sleep, prayer and meditation practices. Truly a way to both balance yourself and connect with the eternal presence here and now. 

Written & Produced in 432Hz Phi Balanced™️ Psychotechnology
by Mix Mike
©2022 Mix Mike Productions, Atlanta
Mix Mike YouTube Channel

Phi Tribe
It's Deeper Than You Think.

Composed Produced and Mixed by FORD
FordProductions, Atlanta

Video created by Ford

Phi Tribe is your exclusive source for all music using this balanced tuning, with an entire catalog of music created in 432Hz and utilizing Phi Tuning methods to suit any mood or activity.

Released by Phi Tribe Entertainment

For more behind the scenes video of the making of this song and others on Phi Tribe, please subscribe to
Fords Playground on YouTube

For all music licensing inquiries contact our A&R at

And for more great 432Hz music, please subscribe to the Phi Tribe YouTube Channel.

IG: @phitribe369


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