John 14 Truths: The Spiritual Marriage (Audio only) [SEE WARNING IN DESCRIPTION]

2 years ago

*****WARNING: Quickly after my video ends, there is other content NOT from this channel that has been starting immediately when my video ends. My channel name, and my video title remains displayed, while OTHER content quickly follows my video. I will try to make it absolutely clear where my video ends. Monitor closely what video begins quickly after mine ends. Again there is content being played immediately when mine ends, that has NOTHING to do with this channel. My channel name remains on, and the name of the video I uploaded stays displayed while SOMEONE ELSE'S content plays. Please be aware of it. Again, I will begin to make clear-with a visible warning sign-when my video ends******

Hello family in Christ! Below are the links promised in the video. May the Lord BLESS you abundantly! God grant all people eyes to see and ears to hear God’s truth—away from the lies and confusion of the world and the enemy in Jesus name.

1.) The Rapture Series:

2.) The 144,000:

3.) The Last Trump/ The Trump of God:

4.) Rapture vs Second Coming:

Please note:
I am receiving censorship problems on my YT channel. If for some reason any of the above videos do not play, try refreshing the page. If there is no sound, try to refreshen the page.

If all content agrees with your spirit please help me share it. Truth is being censored and the more you like and share, the better it helps the algorithm in order to reach more people.

God bless you all and thanks for watching!

*****ALSO, PLEASE NOTE: We have just launched our Fundraiser! To see this year's shirt design, and if it agrees with your spirit and you want to support our cause, please visit the following link:

Thank you so much! God bless you all.

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