⚡️Visualized: Perform Transitive Closure in 2 lines of Code

2 years ago

shortest code ever ⚡️🌏🛰💯
🔗 https://rb.gy/6l9vlq

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🔗 https://rb.gy/kusyif

💎Floyd Warshal's Algorithm is an example of dynamic programming and was published in its currently recognized form by Robert Floyd in 1962. It comprises 3 nested for loops used to find all pair shortest path problems, used to construct transitive closures.
💎Amazingly, TML (Tau Meta Language) can also do the same with only 2 lines of code.

tc(?x ?y):-e(?x ?y).
tc(?x ?y):-tc(?x ?z), e(?z ?y).

🧀Test it.
🔗 tml.idni.org
regression tests/intro/09_TRANSITIVE_CLOSURE.tml

😼Published codes
🔗 github.com/IDNI/TML
🌐Website of tml
🔗 tau.net/
📄Abstract: Draft for Community Review
👨‍🏫Tutorial Videos of TML

Many thanks to
📷Photo by Nothing Ahead from Pexels

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