Elon Musk - Golden Share - Something to explore

2 years ago

Elon Musk - Golden Share - Something to explore

Elon Musk > PayPal > Twitter
Elon Musk > Obama > Energy Stimulus > Space > Tesla
Douglas Gabriel & Michael McKibben
David Icke
Elon Musk > Space-X > Starlink > NASA > DoD
British Monarchy > Pilgrim Society
Digital ID
Elon Musk > AI > Google > Facebook > Twitter > Instagram
Google > Deep Mind
AI as a weapon
Elon Musk > synthetic RNA
Elon Musk > Neuralink > AI for your brain
Elon Musk > Neural Lace interfaces > based on Graphene
Elon Musk > Frontman for DARPA > In-Q-Tel (CIA) > Highlands Forum
Highlands Forum > evilest group on the face of the earth

How the layers of our society got setup: (the corporatized factions)
Henry Morton Stanley > Henry (Rothschild) de worms > Henry Wellcome > Cecil Rhodes > British Monarch > Diamond/Gold Mining > Pharmaceuticals
Stanley > Pirbright Institute
Pirbright Institute > Coronavirus patent
Kissinger > Soames > Black > Summers > Windsor
Banking > Rothschilds
Pharma > Wellcome
Government > Pilgrim Society
Wireless Technology > Marconi
Propaganda > Empire Press Union
Information > MI6 > MI5 > GCHQ

The Federal Bridge Authority > Richard C Walker's Invention > Internet of Things / Internet of Bodies (aggressive remote control of all things and people)

Elon Musk > Driverless Car Electric Vehicle Agenda > Tesla

Technologically generated electromagnetic field that encompasses the earth they call "Smart Grid" > "the Cloud" > Connect Human Brains to that field

Elon Musk > Zuckerberg > SpaceX > Starlink
Facebook started in Feb 2004
Starlink started in June 2004

SpaceX > Surrey Satellite Technology (SSTL) (UK) > [ESSENTIALLY BAE – British Aerospace (BAE Systems plc] > NASA and DoD
SSTL > Surrey > Same county as Pirbright
SpaceX > EADS Astrium (defence group) > Matra Marconi Space > Pilgrim Society > Airbus Group
British Aerospace > SSTL > SpaceX > Marconi > General Electric > Lockheed > Queens Golden Share
Elon Musk > SpaceX is controlled by the British Crown (via a “golden share” otherwise called a “Special Share.”

Chatham House > EU Commission > BP > British Ministry of Defence > Apple > British Foreign and Commonwealth Office > Royal Dutch Shell, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation > Barclays > Bank of England > Lockheed Martin > BBC > Vodafone > The Guardian > The Telegraph Media Group > CBS News > Open Society Foundations.... etc etc etc

Chatham House > World Health Organization > Rockefeller Foundation > Bayer AG > De Beers Group Services UK Ltf > GlaxoSmithKline > European Climate Foundation > Kuwait Petroleum Foundation > Microsoft Limited > NATO Defense College > Rolls-Royce plc > UK Labour Party > Google > The Economist > The Scottish Government > UNICEF

Crown Agents > Round Table (Pilgrims) > Fabian Society > Zionism >
Socialism > Communism > Reuters > Associated Press > Daily Telegram > Daily Mail > Sunday Times > Washington Post > New York Times > American Libraries and Text books > League of Nations > US Federal Reserve > Fascism > The Inquiry > NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization > Atlantic Council > control of American banks

Pilgrims Society = Deep-State or Shadow Government > New World Order

Pilgrims > Pirbright > Theft of Patents > Vaccines > Wireless Technology > Communications > Computers > Computer Programs > Propaganda > Mind Control > Educational Delivery Systems

Council of Foreign Relations
All Corporations
United Nations

Explanation of the "Queen's Golden Share"
Found explanation in BAE Systems document.
"Queen's Golden Share" = 1 "Special Share" that controls the company = the Monarch
Each company has share-holders. You don't have to have a lot of shares to have a say if it's "the special share" which is defined by 1 pound.
One pound = special share = control policy of that organization.
Setup in the 70s/80s when Britain "divested control" of the Monarchy's monopoly over different industries, and supposedly "made them private" but all they did was issue a bunch of shares and give themselves a special share that changed nothing.

Elon Musk > SpaceX is controlled by the British Monarchy (controlled by a “golden share”) > Pilgrim Society

Grimes > The Art of War

(I didn't even have time to include it all - it's overwhelmingly huge)

Video Sources:

Patent US 10130701B2 "Coronavirus" > Pirbright

Patent "Internet of Things" > Richard C Walker


See also:
Pfizer - IBM - Collaborate - Internet of Things - 2017

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