Angel Muriel - Paintings (Spain) Born in 1948

2 years ago

According to our data, Ángel Muriel is a contemporary artist. Ángel Muriel is a spanish male artist born in Cáceres (ES) in 1948.

Ángel Muriel’s first verified exhibition was Otras Meninas at Sede Social de Telefónica in Madrid in 2002, and the most recent exhibition was Ángel Muriel - The dream of Reason at Galerie Ludwig Trossaert in Antwerp in 2016. Ángel Muriel is most frequently exhibited in Spain, but also had exhibitions in Belgium. Muriel has at least one solo show and two group shows over the last 14 years (for more information, see biography). A notable show was De Montparnasse a La Idea Pura - Viaje Por Las Vanguardias Del Sec XX En La Colección Serra at Sala kubo-kutxa in San Sebastián in 2003. Other notable shows were at Fundación Telefónica in Madrid and Galerie Ludwig Trossaert in Sint-Niklaas. Ángel Muriel has been exhibited with Manolo Valdés and Pep Guerrero.

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