...should you be vax hesitant?

2 years ago

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should you be vax hesitant
09.18 vax problem Andrew bridgen
13.05 vax deaths
13.38 tradition attaxked
14.37 wake up
15.30 stop the death shots
16.24 stop the shots
20.18 treason has been committed
21.53 this is too hot for twitter
22.53 tesla covid vax
25.09 secret masonry
29.38 project veritas
30.39 scumbag of the year award Israel thing
32.03 practical geologu 01
33.03 practical geologu 02
33.47 practical geologu 03
34.47 practical geologu 04
35.23 1813 bible events
36.10 bubble wrap windows
38.18 DMSO
40.36 emf
44.00 heeling

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...should you be vax hesitant?

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