(2020 Full Lecture) Ronald Bernard: It is in our hands

2 years ago

Source: Ronald Bernard YT channel

Nov 27th 2020
0:31 Introduction of the Lecture
2:12 The financial structure of the old world
4:20 One of the mechanisms to transfer wealth
6:15 Get ready for real change
7:43 The first step to liberation
9:52 The second step to liberation
17:58 The third step to liberation
22:56 The fourth step to liberation
28:32 The fifth step to liberation
38:23 The sixth step to liberation
40:40 The blueprint for the whole world

THIS VIDEO IS ABOUT the rise Of, For and By the people. Are you aware that WE the people have the main key for change in our hands? UNITED IN DIVERSITY, we humans can choose the one REAL change that will turn everything around. For the earth, our fellow man, the children and ourselves. This lecture is THE INVITATION to the whole world.

DO YOU WANT TO GET STARTED? The big key to achieve truly positive change in this world in a peaceful way is to create a comprehensive financial platform with its own currency. The URA coin and the URA PLATFORM are now available. MORE INFORMATION English: https://bit.ly/33J6aww

QUESTIONS and COMMENTS can be sent to: https://bit.ly/2PyvXju It's time to take the red pill. It's time to take action! Read suggestion, the DECLARATION OF PEACE: https://bit.ly/2ViHWoy

RAISING AWARENESS. To clarify for all those who - for whatever reason - cannot see the difference between the New World Order solutions based on fear and total control and the United People solutions in this lecture based on the heart and common sense. Search for the buzzwords: 'Build Back Better' and 'The Great Reset' and you will discover the New World Order agenda for "world peace". Discover the differences between The New World Order and United People by using independent thinking and research. Questions and comments can be sent to: https://bit.ly/2PyvXju

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