JUAN O SAVIN- Brunson Brothers 22-380 update- AMP 12 27 2022

2 years ago

Write a Letter to SCOTUS in advance of the Committee hearing Jan 6 2023 and take a deep breath. Then blow YOUR horn!
Address/ Letters:
Supreme Court of the United States
Attn: Chief Justice Roberts, Jr. and Associate Justices Thomas, Sotomayor, Alito, Jr., Kagan, Barrett, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Jackson
1 First Street NE
Washington, DC 20543
RE: Brunson v. Alma S. Adams et. al. Petition: 22-380 on the front left side.
Body of the Letter...
To the Court,
This letter is to express my support of the above referenced case. I am concerned that the United States has experienced a national security breach and a violation of every citizen's greatest power in a Republic: voting. I ask that you stand for the adherence of The Congressional Oath to DEFEND the CONSTITUTION from foreign and domestic enemies and uphold the supreme law of the land by granting this petition. You truly are in a position that represents a court system greater than the world has ever seen.
I, along with many others, seem to be witnessing our nation being captured and I conclude that it might be by some of these very respondents. I pray for the right and just outcome and I am grateful for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Name:____________________________________Date:________________________

Please handwrite and personalize by adding to your letter: i.e. PS - I am grateful for your courage to overturn Roe v. Wade.
$1.00 to
Loy & Raland Brunson
4287 South Harrison Blvd. #132
Ogden, UT 84403

UPDATE TODAY: November 30, 2022
SCOTUS set the Committee date for: JANUARY 6 2023 further updates here:
(The 9 Justices will meet to discuss the case and decide if they want to move it to a hearing, where they will officially judge the case and decide, by vote, if defendants should be removed from office).

Please see other Presentations here:

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