RWH Meeting Jan.16, 2023 Invite Promo - Is Public Education Destroying the Next Generation? Part 2

2 years ago

RWH Meeting - Is Public Education Destroying the next Generation? Jan.14th and Jan.16th
What a "Dynamic Duo" we have for you, our Members and guest, for our first meetings of the new year, 2023.
What is most important in our day-to-day lives in this country - the education of our children, the true education of our children.
Come hear what the children hear at school. Is this what you want your children to be taught in school?
If you do not know the answer to that question, please come to both meetings and then Q&A after the January 16th meeting. Both
Rhonda and Kim will be present to answer all your questions. Bring new parents, and soon-to-be parents, we want them educated now for their children's sake. Family, friends, and neighbors, All Welcome!
Remember please purchase your breakfast items from "Sweet Magnolia's" on Saturday morning and Monday evening, Cork It, a glass of wine, and a pizza from Peyton's Pizza Pie Company, now open, for your dinner needs. All three establishments allow us to meet at their location without charge. We do need to patronize and thank them for this kindness offered to our Club.
See you on January 14th and 16th if not before!
Betty Freeman Fisher
President, RWH

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