All the apostate pastors will suffer God wrath and anger and America to

2 years ago

God will punish all the woke dead lying pastors of all the apostate churches that allowed sodomites inside, support abortion, support Ukraine, never read the Bible or anything, give out vaccines and wear masks will suffer God wrath and will be cut down!! The blind church people inside will be thrown outside to the wolves to and will be punished to, America is a cursed land now and will be completely destroyed!! Russia, Iran, China and north Korea will attack America and kill anyone they see and will take prisoners, Biden and his wicked crowd will all be dead and struck down for their wickedness after the rapture happens, California, Oregon and Washington will get hit by a huge earthquake and no one will escape it, new York will get hit by a huge tsnsumi and nuclear attacks at the same time!! The tsanusmi will go all the way to Louisiana and no one will escape it, you can't run from 90 foot waves coming in so very fast like a very fast train, God will punish all the wicked and they will pay for all their wicked deeds they have done, those who falsely accurse others will suffer, those who abused will suffer, those who killed and persercuted Christians will suffer, those who killed babies and loved doing it will suffer, all the gays lesbians and trans will suffer, all thieves including the looters will suffer, sex offender's will suffer, false prophets and pastors will suffer, God will punish all the wicked for their deeds and pay them all back!! He will give justice for those who were abused, lied about, gossiped about, lost their jobs because they did not get the vaccines, lost their lives because they refused to deny Jesus, God will pay back all the wicked and make them suffer in the tribulation period!!! He is very very very angry and hates the wicked, so called dead lukewarm phony church crowd and pastors, judgement begins when the rapture happens!!

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