Dialogue between God and Man... Jesus elucidates ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 17-12/12

2 years ago

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The Dialogue between God and Man

153. Today I come to you with a teaching that might appear impossible to put into practice for the world, but once it is understood, it is the simplest to fulfill. I teach you the worship of the love for God through your life, your deeds and the spiritual prayer, not uttered by lips in any particular place, having no need of external worship or images to be inspired.

154. While men sought to recognize within Me a distant and unapproachable God, I have intended to prove that I am closer to them than their very own eyelashes.

155. They pray by rote, and should they not see everything they desperately asked for fulfilled in an instant, they exclaim, discouraged: “God has not heard us.”

156. If they knew how to pray, if they would unite their minds and hearts with their spirits, they would hear the divine voice of the Lord within their conscience, feeling His presence close by. But how do they expect to feel My presence when they plead with external worship. How could they possibly sensitize their spirits if they worship even their Lord through images made by their own hands?

157. I want you to understand that I am very close to you, that you can easily communicate with Me, feel Me and receive My inspirations.

158. Practice the silence that assists the spirit in finding its God. This silence, a fountain of knowledge, and all who dive into it will be pervaded with the clarity of My wisdom. This silence, a sanctuary surrounded by indestructible walls, to which only the spirit has access. Man permanently carries within himself the knowledge of this secret place, wherein he may communicate with God.

159. You may communicate with your Lord no matter where you are, for the place is of no consequence: Upon the summit of a mountain, in the depths of a valley, among the commotion of a city, in the peace of your own home, or in the midst of a battle. Should you seek Me within your sanctuary, amidst the deep silence of your elevation, the gates of the universal and invisible temple will swing open, so you may truly feel yourselves in the house of the Father, present in each and every spirit.

160. Should the pain of your trials overwhelm you and the afflictions of life threaten to destroy your senses, should you desperately desire a little peace, then retire to your bedchamber or seek the silence and solitude of the countryside. There, elevate your spirit, guided by the conscience, and enter into meditation. The silence is the kingdom of the spirit, a kingdom invisible to human eyes.

161. At the moment of spiritual ecstasy, the awakening of the elevated senses is achieved, intuition surges, inspiration is kindled, the future is perceived, the spiritual life recognizes what is distant, and what before appeared unachievable is made possible.

162. If you wish to enter the silence of this sanctuary, this treasury, then you yourselves must prepare the way, for only with true purity will you be able to enter in.

163. My prophets must rise once again to admonish humanity, for while some nations destroy themselves, blinded by ambition and violence, those who have received My light and impartially judge humanity are afraid of setting about their mission and spreading the good news.

164. If men knew how to pray with the spirit, they would hear My voice, they would receive My inspiration. However, every time they pray, a veil is placed over their eyes, hiding from them the light of My presence. I must reach out to men when they sleep and their bodies are at rest in order to awaken their spirit, to call upon and converse with them. It is Christ who, like a thief, enters your heart in the middle of the night, sowing My seed of love therein.

165. Learn to pray and meditate simultaneously, so that knowledge and understanding may manifest in each and every one of you.

166. Spirituality is liberty. That is why those who hear Me now and have grasped the meaning of this liberating doctrine, behold a great valley opening before them, wherein they shall do battle and give testimony: The time has come when God, the almighty Creator, arrived to establish communication between Himself and man.

167. The doctrine of Christ was spiritual, but men encased it in rites and forms to make it accessable for spirits of only minor elevation.

168. You have entered the era of the spirit, of great revelations: All materialism, deception, and imperfection will disappear from all forms of worship. All men, through their spirit, shall recognize God, who is Spirit in full. Upon this road man will find the true form of perfect communion.

169. Once men have learned to communicate with My Spirit, they will have no more need of consulting books or asking questions.

170. Today they still inquire of those who they believe to know more than they do, or they are in search of scriptures and books, anxious to discover the truth.

171. If you would only learn to briefly meditate each day, and if your meditation would concern the spiritual life, then you would discover an endless supply of explanations and receive revelations you cannot get hold of any other way.

172. Your spirit already possesses enough light to inquire of Me, as well as to receive My replies. The spirit of man has already achieved great elevation. Observe your fellow men living in humble conditions: Despite their lack of knowledge and understanding, they surprise you with their profound observations, as well as with the clear manner with which they explain to themselves that which appears inexplicable to many others. Did they acquire this innate understanding though books or schools? No, but they have discovered, by intuition or necessity, the gift of meditation, being part of spiritual prayer. In their solitude, isolated from outside influences and prejudices, they have discovered a way to commune with the eternal, the spiritual, the truth. Some more, some less, though all who have meditated on the true essence of life have received spiritual light in their understanding.

173. You ask Me what prayer consists of, and I answer you: It is all about allowing your spirit to freely elevate itself to the Father, to surrender yourselves fully in trust and faith, to receive in your hearts and minds the inspirations the spirit has picked up, humbly accepting the will of the Father. Those who pray in this manner will perpetually delight in My presence, indigent nevermore.

174. Within the purity of their being, within their spirit, I will write down My law during this time. There I will make My voice heard, there I will erect My temple, for that which does not exist within man, within his spirit, might as well not exist at all.

175. Be it enormous churches erected in My honor, be it feasts and grandiose ceremonies, it is of no consequence; these offerings will not reach Me, for they are not of the spirit. All external worship always carries vanity and ostentation within; in contrast, the quiet offering, that which the world never sees, that which you offer Me in spirit to Spirit, this does reach Me, for it is of humble, sincere, and truthful origin. In a word: Because it arose from the spirit.

176. Recall the parable of the Pharisee and the publican that was given to you during the Second Era, and you will come to understand that My teaching has always been the same.

177. Are you aware that some are loved without being deserving of it? That is how I love you. Give Me your cross, give Me your sorrows, give Me your failed hopes, give Me the heavy burden you bear; I will deal with all of it. Feel yourselves free of your burden, so you may be happy. Enter the sanctuary of My love, and be silent before the altar of the universe, so your spirit may converse with the Father in the most beautiful of all languages: The language of love.

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