Crimes against humanity! Throwing away 30 million doses

1 year ago

Here’s an inconvenient truth.

People do not understand that JESUS is THE ONLY TRUTH. Everything else out there is a counterfeit deception and lie. Every other belief system is either silent about what is happening in the world right now, or borrow explanations from Christianity. As my law-school professor said: GO TO THE SOURCE. The source is YHWH speaking to his creation in the Garden of Eden, and satan arriving to mess it all up, which he has done with thousands of counterfeit belief systems. — MG

…this is predictive programming for the transhumanism agenda that is happening with the rollout of the bioweapon injection a.k.a the Mark of the Beast. Take the vaccines and you're doomed to the eternal lake of fire for worshipping pig-lucifer's Beast system, unless you repent of your rebellion against the Father and transfer the title deed over your soul over to JESUS CHRIST for safekeeping.

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