Pamela Wirth chats about her sons return to health, disease reversal & wellness

2 years ago

Integrative health and wellness, nutrition, and natural plant-based products

Published author and enCOURAGEing wellness podcast host, Pamela founded hellohealth® following a personal struggle in her family. Unfortunately, one in every five people is diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder, and 1 in every 50 is diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. Sometimes people are diagnosed with both. Hello Health helps those affected with a community and platform of products, services, and experts catering to integrative health – both children and adults to find the root rather than solely treating the symptoms.

She is also a mentor for entrepreneurs through a variety of organizations internationally, as well as the founder of Strategic Growth Advisory. She also belongs to the Young Presidents Organization (YPO) and lives in Scottsdale, Arizona.
She enjoys health and wellness, traveling, and assisting others, particularly children, in feeling better from the inside out. In addition to her work, she has a second book coming out called Saving My Son in collaboration with a variety of practitioners to share her and Ryan's story and to empower other parents and caregivers in similar situations to find natural, holistic wellness solutions and innovative therapies without fear. Other parents and doctors who help families who have contributed to the book include pediatric neurologist Melanie Alarcio, M.D., immunologist Ryan Casper, M.D., and Jeremy Appleton, N.D.

Madonna Guy ND; is a respected Naturopath and Kinesiologist in Australia. She started New Leaf Natural Therapies in 1995. Having studied with some of the most fantastic minds in natural medicine over the past three decades, she has a unique combination of skills and knowledge.
As a practitioner using Oligoscan to find heavy metal and mineral levels; Dark Field Microscopy to look at the blood in real time - finding signs of health and vitality - as well as toxicity and other challenges; a bioresonance device which scans over 120,000 vibrations in your body - Madonna can help.
If you'd like to work with Madonna, email her on or phone her clinic on 07 3348 6098. Her bricks and mortar clinic is in Brisbane Australia, but offers zoom and distance consultations and healings.
Madonna was on 4BC and Bay FM radio for a dozen years, had been a kinesiology trainer for over 15 years and loves sharing her knowledge in health and wellbeing - let's learn together!
In 2021 Madonna started her podcast and has interviewed people on all aspects of health, wellbeing and challenges facing the human population.
Find Madonna on other social media:
Bitchute: The Natural Alternative with Madonna Guy ND
Rumble: The Natural Alternative with Madonna Guy
YouTube: New Leaf Health Team
Audioboom & other podcast platfoms: The Natural Alternative with Madonna Guy
Facebook: Madonna Guy at New Leaf Natural Therapies Facebook:
The Brain Centre @ New Leaf Natural Therapies
Twitter: Madonna Guy @ NewLeafTweets

Have a spectacular day!

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