JUAN O SAVIN- The Moon Story- *Clipped* Ethan Lucas 12 24 2022

2 years ago

This is a new approach to the Moon Story. Many have seen the amazing alignments and purpose of the Moon our only "Satellite". But I know that Juan's story is a set of information that actually Richard Hogeland released back in the 90's. And as Howard Hughes believed the Moon was a Satellite and Hollow inside.. And Forbidden Planet that was back in the 50's that was allowed an all star cast to state these theories. As a leading researcher on UFO activity noticing the way it looked.. the fact that it "rang" like a bell when hit will a real meteor or moon lander.. and the story of who owns it and why. And why was this told right before Christmas on this show? This is clipped and the edits of the front hour is because of the focal point that explains many things about the Story of Earth.
Juan also talks about "Mechanical Development" of Cars and many other advancements.. in the Day.

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