BFGC - Dec 25, 2022 Son of Man

2 years ago

The world is full of many celebrations and opportunities to party in the month of December. As believers our job is not to try to identify and shame every celebration that we decide is ungodly, or pagan. New Testament followers of Yeshua are called to be listening to the Holy Spirit and to behave at all times in a way that provides a righteous testimony for the unsaved. Today we celebrate the arrival of the Christ child to the small town of Bethlehem and we will give Yehovah glory and praise for His plan and we will praise and thank Yeshua for being willing to obey the Father. We know that December 25th is not the actual birth date of Christ and we know that the wise men did not show up in Bethlehem, but went to the house in Nazareth to visit Yeshua the young boy. Believers today need to be able to explain the Bible story of the promised savior of the world, without getting distracted and side tracked by religious legalists that want to label everything as pagan that they don't like. Yeshua was prophecied to be born at the Tower of the Flock in Northern Bethlehem and when the angels announced His arrival to the temple shepherds, they knew exactly where to find the swaddled child waiting for His inspection.

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