2 years ago

WE ARE SO EXCITED WE HAVE MADE IT OVER $30,000 for our End-of-Year Giving Campaign! But, the GOODNESS is we still have 5 days left to get to our goal of $50,000.
GOOD NEWS...We have only $700.00 left towards our matching gift of $3,000.
“Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” Matthew 9:38. As Christians, we should be so excited we can’t keep this news to ourselves. We are commanded to go out to the whole world and share the good news, but still people don’t.
BUT WE DO WE APPRECIATE EVERY SINGLE GIFT BIG OR SMALL! Jesus gave us GOOD NEWS, so that's all you are going to get from us, is GOOD NEWS!
Matthew 9:38 -
THANK YOU for serving the Lord with us!
or TEXT the word "GIVE" to (727) 472-5008

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