DTTV 135 – Year in Review Part 2; “Sports Ball,” Government Predictions, & What’s in Store For DTTV…

1 year ago

So today, we are going to part two of our two parter of a casual chat in my backyard with my volunteer PR guy Richard Mitchell & today, we’ll go a little bit off the beaten path for Don’t Talk TV; we will talk a bit about “sports ball” our past with it and why we’re not so into it anymore and we will talk about our plans and goals for Don’t Talk TV going into next year and what some things we can expect from the Canadian government.

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Phone: (519) 569-7016
Email: DontTalkTV@protonmail.com

Don’t Talk TV Episodes to Consider Watching:
@06:04 - https://youtu.be/D9XVTnFVsiM

Baden Coffee Company:


Videos by Daniel Absi, Kelly Lacy, and RODNAE Productions from Pexels
Intro Music - News Runner by Daniel H. licensed via Jamendo

A special thank you to Richard Mitchell at RAM Design Group Inc (https://ramdesigngroupinc.ca/) for his public relations, editing, and promotional services.

#MerryChristmas #HappyNewYear #YearInReview

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