Russia additionally poses a navy danger to Sweden and Finland

2 years ago

In response to Sweden's and Finland's applications for NATO membership, Russia said it would increase its military presence in the country's northwestern region.
Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that given NATO's desire to build up its military strength near the Russian border and expand its alliance to include Finland and Sweden, it would take countermeasures in northwestern Russia and domestic armed forces, which said it was necessary to create a group of
When a meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and a senior Russian military official was broadcast online, Shoigu gave no figures about the group's potential size. At the meeting, Putin also promised that Russian forces would achieve the goals of the Kremlin's war against Ukraine, despite a series of setbacks that have forced Moscow to withdraw troops from many parts of Ukraine. The president also promised to provide the military with all material support necessary for the mission. The comments came amid reports that thousands of newly mobilized Russian forces rely on outdated weapons in the face of high-tech equipment provided by Ukraine's Western allies.
Mr Putin said:
"We know there are no small things on the battlefield. Medical cases, food supplies, uniforms, shoes, protective helmets, armor, everything must be of the latest high standards. Sweden and Finland decided to abandon their longstanding policy of neutrality and applied for NATO membership shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine at the end of February.http:
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